Friday, August 30, 2019

Categorical imperative Essay

Abstract Immanuel Kantis one of the most influential philosophers in the history of the Western philosophy. His contribution two metaphysical epistemology, ethic, and aesthetics have had a profound impact on almost every philosophical movements that followed him. Kant believe that, in knowledge originated in our senses and that the mind is a blank slate, that becames populated with ideas by its interaction with the world. Kant Influence on Criminal Justice In New World Encyclopedia (2013) states that Immanuel Kant was born, and spent the majority of his life in the city Konigsberg , the capital of East Prussia. His father was a German craftsman. His parents baptized him as Emanuel Kant, which he later changed to Immanuel after learning Hebrew. He attended the Collegium Fridiciaum at the age of eight. After eight years of study in there, he went to the University of Konideberg where he studied philosophy and mathematics. The death of his father affected him greatly, however, with the support of a friend he earned and received his doctrine in 1756. After befriending the English merchant Joseph Green, who instilled in Kant arespect for living in accordance to strict observed rules of behavior, he began to live a very regulated life. For the remainder of his life Kant remain unmarried and owned only one piece of art in his household, advocating the absence of passion in flavor of logic. He never left Prussia and rarelyventured out oh his hometown. He was a respected and very competitive university professor for most of his life. Historical repute did not come to him until he was in his late 50’s. In 1740, he went to the University to study philosophers Gottfried Leinbniz and Christian Wolff under the tutelage of Martin Knutsen , who was familiar with the development of British philosophy and science. It is there that Knutsen introduced Kant to a new system of mathematics by Sir Isaac Newton (1997). In 1746, Kant wrote the paper on measurements of reflecting Leibniz’s influence. In 1755 he then became a private lecture at the University, and while there he published â€Å"Inquiry into the Distinctness of the Principles of Natural Theology and Morals† in which he examines the problem of having a logical system of philosophy that was connected with the world of natural philosophy, a concern typically of the period. In that same year he published a piece titled â€Å"In Dreams of a spirit-seer Elucidated by Dreams of Metaphysics†. For the next 10 years, he work solely on the architecture of his own philosophy. Then in 1781 he released the † Critique of Pure Reason†, This work was to become the most influential, widely cited, and distributed work in Western philosophy. He then followed with his work † Ground of Metaphysic of Morals†. Then in 1788 who wrote † Critique of Practical Reason† then he finished and perfected his work on † Critique of Judgment† (2005). Almost all of his work was attacked and criticize seriously, practically his ideas on category, or, the place of free will and determinism, and weather we are capable of processing true and corrected knowledge of eternal reality. In his life Kant wrote a number of lesser known essays on history, politics and the application of philosophy of life. When he died in 1804, he was working on an incomplete manuscript that has since been published as† Opus Postmum†. Immanuel Kant had an interesting system of beliefs. It’s based on the beliefs , that reasoning is the final authority for morality. Actions of any sort, he believed, must be done from a sense of duty dictated by reason, and no action the form for expediency for solely in obedience to the law or custom can be regarded as moral. Moral , according to Kant, is apt done for the right reasons. Kant what are you that to make a promise for wrong reason is not moral, in other words, you might as well not make the promise. You must have a duty, or, correct moral inside of you, and for your folly of lying, your actions would only give you away. Kant described in common command given by reason: the hypothetical imperative, which dictates a given course of action to reach a specific end; and the categorical imperative, which dictates a course of action that must be followed because of moral rightness and necessity. It is also stated that Kant believe it to be irrational to perform in action if the action maxim contradicted itself once made into a universal law of nature (2013). In other words, before you act, you must decide what rules would be following if you were to act, whether you would are willing for rules to be followed by everyone. If you are willing to universalize the act, it must be moral; its not, then the act become morallyimpermissible. Kant police not the welfare of each individual should probably be regarded as in and itself, as stated in † Formula of the End† (2013) in itself: act in such a way that you always treating humanely weather in your own person or in the person of another, never simply as a means, but always at the same time as an end. Kant believed that the moral rules are without exception. Therefore, it is wrong to kill all situations even the case of self defense. This thought comes from the Universal Law Theory (2010). Since we never wanted to in order to become a universal law then it must be a moral in all situations. For what Kant’ s describe in his rules of absolut Killing, according to Kant, could never made universal law, therefore it is wrong and each in every situation. There are never any extentuating circumstance, such as self defense. Is out current laws were left to Kant , people would be prosecuted for everything since there is no extentuating circumstances. Kant cateorical imperative is a tri-dynamic statement of philosophical thought: (1) Actso that the maximum of your will always hold, at the same time as principles is stablished universal law. (2) Acts so as to treat everything with the upmost humanity, including your own person as well as everyone else, and always as an end but never as a mean. (3) Act according to maxim as a universal legislative member of a mere potential Kingdom of ends (2010). In other words Kant’ s argument that particular actions require constant thoughts for roll covering it, that the rule is acceptable for universal action should be adopted, its not, then it should be rejected. In order to understand whether or not actions follow Kant’ s category imperative, we must prescribe post normal what we wish to be universal laws. The norms that create to value judgement are based on issues involving justice between a few people or groups or nation. He further states that thought his cognitive development of peaceful interaction of building of Republic, we can create a community as natural result of unimpeded development of human facilities (1997). Kant states that because we must believe in all the things develop to the fullest capacity, then we could the theorize that, in summary, through congnitive processes we can create community, based on moral (ethical) action towards every person, thereby creating universal ethic throughout the community. Refrence Immanuel Kant . (2013). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from World Wide Web. http://www. Britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/311398/Immanuel-Kant Immanuel Kant -Biography. (1997). In The Eurpean Graduate School. Retrieved September 30, 2013 from Immanuel Kant (2013, August 5). New World Encyclopedia,. Retrieved 00:44, September 30, 2013 From http://www. newworldencyclopedia. org/p/index. php? title=Immanuel_Kant&oldid=972023 Immanuel Kant -Biography. (1997). In The Eurpean Graduate School. Retrieved September 30, 2013 from http://www. egs. edu/library/immanuel-kant/biography/. Immanuel Kant (2013, August 5). New World Encyclopedic, . Retrieved 00:44 September 30, 2013 From http://newworldencyclopedia. org/P/index. php? title=Immanuel_Kant&oldid=972023 McCormick, M. (2005). Immanuel Kant: Metaphysics. In Internet Encyclopedic of Philosophy (April 17, 2001 ed. ) Retrieved September 30, 2013 from http://www. iep. utm. edu/Kantmeta/ Rolf, Micheal. † Immanuel Kant. † The Standford Encyclopedic of Philosophy. Ed. Edward N. Zalta. Fall 2010 ed. 2010. Stanford University. Web 30 Sept. 2013. References.

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